
   Without imagination, people will never be so creative. I believe imagination is more important than knowledge, but I also think that if you combine both you are really tapping into life’s power. It can be using our brain and our senses to create an image within our mind. Imagination draws on our experiences and knowledge of the world around us and combines them with the complete unknown to make something new. Imagination and play have been shown to increase brain development and growth in children. 

     Imagination can also decrease stress levels as it encourages problem solving and the possibility of positive outcomes and solutions. A powerful imagination is a wonderful skill to have and a very important one to nurture throughout all stages of life. To really reach our full potential I believe imagination and play should be as important in our daily lives as love, nutrition and health. Starting from a young age we can encourage pretend play, imaginative fantasies and the belief in some things unknown.We all have imagination within us, that is what makes us human.


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