Graphic Design Essentials

Let's be real; having the most expensive hardware to use as a designer won't make you the best. However having the right products may make your artwork turn out better. Of course your actual hand skills and design knowledge are the things that make you an artist, but let's make you look like the best too. It is important to have a desktop, laptop, or both. You have to have somewhere to create the art. Secondly, the art isn't going to store itself, so a reliable hard drive or SSD is a must have. You might not want to draw everything by dragging the mouse around. Most graphic designers use tablets and stylus' to draw on their desktop. The software is something to also consider. Adobe contains many great applications to use in order to create and design. I'm trying to keep the list under a tight budget for you college students trying to become professional graphic designers.
1. Desktop/Laptop
2. Hard drive/SSD
3.Tablet and Stylus
4. Creative Software


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