Correct font use!

Okay guys lets get down to business. When it comes to making the right choice in what font you use in your design you need to have a font that complements the design but also leaves an impact. Lets take what a person wears to an interview. if you look at the picture you will see the dos and don'ts of what to wear.
I bet you are wondering what in the world this has to do with choosing the correct font. Well what you wear to and interview makes an impact on the possible new boss. If you wear jeans and a nice top then they are not going to take you seriously but, if you wear dress slacks then a plain dress shirt and dress shoes then you are good to go. So basically your Sunday best. It all makes an impact and that is exactly what you want to do with your font choices. In my opinion using a clean font choice is the better way to go. This means fonts like Arial, Impact, Lucida Grande, Tahoma, Verdana, and Helvetica. These fonts normally fit any design. 

There are some case where you want to use two different fonts. when this happens you need to yo pair together fonts that have contrasting differences. Use the rule of thumb this just means if you have two fonts that have one thing in common but are otherwise different, then this will help determine if the two look well together. 

Lets take another example. Think about a menu you should see just one font. They do this because if you just use one font it is displeasing to the design. However if you use two fonts then it is pleasing to the eye. The BIGGEST guideline I can give you is do not over use WILD fonts. Save the creative fonts for special things. 

The best part of choosing the correct font choices is that there are no rules. These are just guidelines to follow that will give you that overall design that will bring your vision to life. 

So till later have fun Designing!


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