What Do All of the Adobe Programs Do?

The main programs that mostly been use is in-design, Photoshop, bridge and illustrator. 

 In-design does page layouts. It allows you to produce and preview documents for magazines, both in print and online across mobile and desktop platforms.

Bridge is an organizer for photos and designs within the Adobe Creative Suite.

Photoshop is the go-to image editing and manipulation software used by almost everyone in the industry.

Illustrator is known as resolution-independent graphics. which means it typically used to create logos and graphics for business cards, info-graphics, clip-art, and icons.

These are the main programs that we use in the class. Also there are more programs but you might have to go to YouTube for that. the programs is not that hard once you get the hang of them. Not only teens but adults also use the programs for there business and also to get payed. These programs allow to show how creative people can really be and trust depending on what your working on it does take time. 


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