What do you do when your stuck on a project?

      If i get stuck or lost when i do a project, i either go to a teacher, ask a student or go on YouTube. I mainly go on YouTube, because when you ask a student sometimes they do not know or do not want to help. with a teacher they help explain it more and sometimes you have to caught a teacher before they go home. Mainly When you’re just not moving forward on something you really need to step away from it for a while. Take a break to recharge, move on to something else that needs doing, have a snack or go for walk. The plan is in order to get unstuck you need to move. 

      There are some things that you’d really like to see done. It may be a passion project that you’re not quite ready to handle or one that you just can’t wrap your head around.If you have the luxury to let it go when you get stuck on it and can’t seem to get unstuck, get something to eat and rest. doesn’t mean you won’t be able to come back to it when you’re ready, but it does mean that you’re freeing up the energy it was taking just sitting there staring back at you waiting for you to do. But you can always work on it another day, especially if you have free time. 


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