Why do people use adobe for this major?

      I believe they use it to have digital experiences. Adobe is a program for anyone that would like to have an fun, interesting and entertaining imagination. it creates a lot of programs, that most people may be unfamiliar with. This have the tools to bring ideas to life, with everything from an image, compositing and photo editing to website design, 3D and digital printing. if you really learn about adobe, you can create logos, posters, ads, packing and more. Here 5 facts about adobe that some people may not know about. 

1. since in 2013, abode systems had around 10,000 employees working.

2. 2 guys name Charles geschke and john warnock created the company in 1982. also the name adobe come from adobe creek in Los altos.

3. Photoshop was one of the prize product for adobe and it came into the market in 1989.

4. adobe have rated as a great establishment and work since almost two decades.

5. Adobe headquarters is in San Jose.


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